喜羊羊與灰太狼 節目路徑:隨選影片>兒童>波米歡樂島>momo親子

杰德的VOD波米歡樂島,日前舉辦贈獎活動,送出了背包、T恤、貼紙和面紙盒等100項贈品,引起觀眾的熱烈迴響,現在為了回饋訂戶,緊接著於四月兒童節檔期推出「喜洋洋與灰太狼」贈獎活動,活動日期為4/1-4/30,只要訂閱任一套波米歡樂島的節目,就可抽卡通「喜羊羊與灰太狼」的贈品,獎品有 拼圖大富翁、拼圖 、竹蜻蜓等30項精美玩具,5/7將抽出幸運得主,並於官網公布得獎名單。 

Pome VOD Service Giving Away Prizes Left and Right

Pome, the branded VOD service from Portico Media, has been giving away prizes like no other.  For March, we gave away 100 prizes (backpacks, T-shirts and tissue boxes—courtesy of Momo Kids).  In April, we continue our generosity with our tentpole content: 喜洋洋與灰太狼, currently the hottest cartoon in China as well as Taiwan.  From April 1 to April 30, we are giving away 30 喜洋洋與灰太狼 prizes, see below for any subscribers of the POME VOD service.  The winners will be announced on May 7, and announced on our website.

喜羊羊竹蜻蜓.bmp 喜羊羊拼圖大富翁.bmp 



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